To ensure that player registration procedures and outcomes are consistent with Club policies, values and objectives as outlined in the Club’s Statement of Purpose. The Club endeavours to meet the needs of it’s players and members through the application of this policy, which outlines the measures taken by the Club to ensure a fair and equitable registration process that benefits the Club and it’s players.

Key Relevant Club Objectives:

  • That the Club be accessible to players of all abilities.
  • That the Club be accessible to children from all backgrounds within our community.
  • To maximise the number of young people from our community playing football.
  • That players are given the opportunity to develop their personal and sporting skills to their fullest potential.

Player Registration:
Players are considered registered with the club for the current season when they have filled in the current club registration forms (on line)and have paid the season fee, or have made an arrangement with the Club regarding payment of fees. All registrations should be received by the final registration day for the forthcoming season. These days shall be published in various Club media. After the start of a season the acceptance of a registration and the allocation of a player to a team cannot be guaranteed (see below). NO PAY NO PLAY

How The Registration Process Works:
Pre-Registration: As part of maximising the numbers of young people from all backgrounds in our primary communities, the Club recognises the importance of maintaining good relationships and communications with all schools in this region. As part of the registration process, the Committee will endeavour to arrange pre-season clinics in these schools, or local ‘Come & Try Days’, with a priority on the Primary Schools.
In seeking to achieve the Club objectives above, when determining the Registration process in any season the Committee will ensure that:

  • there are a variety of means of communications to existing and potential players and that all players from the previous season are contacted by mail/email/text etc, and notified about the registration days and alternative methods of registration;
  • all relevant schools will be provided with registration information to distribute to students and that key school staff are aware of the registration process;
  • there are a variety of opportunities, methods and locations for players to register.

Annual registration fees are to be set by the Club and will include costs borne by the Club that include, but are not limited to, leasing fees, equipment purchase and maintenance, training, coaching and umpiring fees. The Club is a not-for-profit entity and as such, all fees are used for the benefit of the Club and its players.

Fee Discounts:
Family Discount – a family discount is offered when more than one family member registers to play. This amount is set annually and applies as a fee reduction on the fees for all family members.

Personal hardship: The Club does not want financial issues to be a barrier to participation. As a result fee reductions on the basis of personal hardship may be offered beyond normal fee concession arrangements. Anyone having difficulty with payment may approach a member of the Junior Sub-Committee on a confidential basis to arrange a payment plan to pay registration fees. Any team manager and/or coach may apply for Player Sponsorship for individual children through the committee. Families are also encouraged to approach their local Council who have programs designed to provide financial assistance to families to meet such costs.

Late commencement:
Players who join the Club mid-way through a season or later will pay fees on a pro rata basis. Players who join before mid-season will pay full fees.

Refund of fees:
Where a player has been unable to be placed within a team by the Club or, if the player withdraws prior to commencing training, a full refund will be paid.
If a player withdraws after the earlier of two months of competition starting or the player commencing training, no refund will be paid.
The Club may issue discretionary refunds in extenuating circumstances.

Team and Player Selection Policy & Guidelines – Juniors
To clarify the team selection process and to ensure that it remains consistent with Club values and objectives as outlined in the Club’s Statement of Purpose and is consistent with other Club Policies.
The Club believes that the development of individual players is best served in a sporting sense and socially by placing players in the correct team.

Key Relevant Club Objectives:

  • To develop player self-esteem.
  • That the club is accessible to players of all abilities.
  • To encourage the development of player sporting, personal and social skills to their fullest potential.

It is preferable that players that play below their age group play down one, or no more than two years. Keeping a player in a team where they are no longer challenged or are finding their experience too challenging is detrimental to their development and as a result the player may lose interest in football.

The placement of players in teams is decided by the Coaching Co-ordinator/s, in consultation with relevant coaches and/or assistant coaches.

Team Grading – Juniors
To ensure that our submissions for team grading to respective Leagues is in line with Club values and objectives as outlined in the Club’s Statement of Purpose, and is consistent with other Club policies.

Key Relevant Club Objectives: Player self-esteem; Club accessible to all abilities;
and Development of player sporting, personal and social skills.

  • The Club encourages all teams to be entered into the highest possible grade in which the team will be competitive.
  • For this purpose, competitive is defined as likely to have a season win/loss ratio range of 30/70 to 70/30.
  • In deciding on the appropriate grade level, the emphasis is on the overall team level of competitiveness rather either the higher or lower skilled individual players

Player Rotation: Playing Time / Playing Positions

To ensure that the importance of player playing time and position rotation is recognised and practiced (particularly in younger age groups), is consistent with Club values and objectives as outlined in the Club’s Statement of Purpose and is consistent with other Club Policies.
Coaches ensure that all players have a sufficient minimum amount playing time for their sporting development and maintenance of positive self-esteem. For this purpose the Club sets the following standards:

  • where the interchange of players is allowed, the aim should be for all players to play three quarters of a game
  • team coaches ensure that all players are provided with sufficient opportunity to play in the full range of positions

Players often show natural affinity for various positions, usually beginning between the ages of 8 and 9. It is at the discretion of the coach to strike a balance between introducing positional play and exposing players to as many different positions as possible until they reach Junior (age 12 and above) level.

Club’s values and objectives can only be fulfilled if individual player self-esteem and sporting and social development within the context of being a team member, are understood as being of much higher importance than ‘winning on the scoreboard’. While winning is enjoyable, it is not paramount.
Players have joined the Club to play, not to spectate from the sidelines. Lack of time on the field will quickly discourage most players from participating in sport, as well as damage their confidence.

It is also of vital importance to a player’s longer term sporting development that they have sufficient opportunities to play in a range of positions.
Children develop at different rates in all aspects, especially physical size and sporting capabilities. A ‘skilled’ or ‘tall’ player now may not be so skilled or tall relative to other players in future seasons and therefore may be better suited to a different position or role. The opportunity to experience and learn at an early age how to play in various roles is of long-term benefit to both the player and to their team.